PM for wider public awareness about social, economic schemes

KARACHI, March 9 (APP):  Prime Minister Imran Khan Wednesday directed Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf members of Sindh Assembly and party leaders to further strengthen their liaison with the people, so that a wider public awareness about different social and economic schemes, being implemented by the incumbent government, could be created.

The prime minister held a meeting with PTI members of the provincial assembly and other leaders of PTI provincial chapter.

The prime minister mentioned Naya Pakistan National Health card ensuring universal health coverage, provision of Ration Riayat programme under Ehsaas programme, and other relief measures for the poor segments, PM Office Media Wing said in a press release.

Extension of loans and provision of quality seeds at cheap rates, urea and insecticides, home financing, business loans and the skills development of the youth under Kamyab Jawan and Kamyab Pakistan programmes were the other programmes about which the people should be kept abreast, he added.

He said the government was fully alive to the issues faced by people and was ensuring all possible steps to save them from the negative impacts of the imported price hike of different items triggered by high price increase at the international markets.

Due to these public friendly steps, prices of petroleum products and electricity had been slashed by Rs10 per liter and Rs5 per unit respectively, he added.

The prime minister further said that government had also taken various steps for the promotion of information technology and creation of ample job opportunities for the youth.

These included 100 percent tax exemption to IT companies and free lancers and permission to keep 100 percent foreign currency and 100 percent exemption from the capital gain tax for the IT start-ups.

The prime minister said, besides these, Rs407 billion subsidy would be provided on the business loans in the next two years under Kamyab Pakistan. Under Ehsaas programme , monthly stipend had been enhanced from Rs12,000 to Rs14,000.

A huge amount of Rs38 billion had been allocated for grant of 2.6 million scholarships with Rs30,000 Graduate Internship monthly stipend.

The prime minister further reiterated that the government was providing vast employment opportunities to the youth through targeted subsidies and ensuring business friendly environment to fully mitigate the negative effects of price hike.

He also directed the PTI leaders to fully activate the party workers at the lower tier to ensure success in the upcoming local government elections.