Senate body expresses displeasure over non-implementation of its recommendations

ISLAMABAD, Feb 14 (APP):The Senate Standing Committee on Power on Monday expressed displeasure over non-implementation of recommendations and took serious notice of it.

The Committee which met with Saifullah Abro in the Chair, reviewed the implementation status of recommendations made by the Committee and directed to ensure its implementation in letter and spirit.

The Committee deliberated over numerous issues including the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power (Amendment) Bill, 2021, increase in Fuel Price Adjustment with respect to FATA, PATA and Mardan, restoration of services of SDOs/ROs of PESCO, merger of AEDB and PPIB working under Power Division and illegal reappointment of CEO,QESCO.

Reviewing the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power (Amendment Bill, 2021) introduced by Senator Bahramand Khan Tangi, the Committee was informed that the proposed amendment was related to operational aspects of the utility business.

The Ministry apprised the Committee that regulation and legislation did not include operational level details, which were already in place.

The Committee stood firmly against the penalization of innocent citizens who had been paying their dues regularly and said that strictest measures should be taken against those the power pilferers.

The Committee decided to further discuss the matter in the next Committee meeting.

Deliberating over the fuel price adjustment (FCA) on bills with respect to FATA, PATA and Mardan in particular to small industry owners, the Committee was of the view that tax concessions were given to FATA and PATA and hence it must be ensured in this case.

It was asserted that small industries must also be exempted, since these did not possess necessary cushion in terms of payments. It was decided that three installment plans without surcharge would be paid. Decision regarding surcharge would be taken on a later date.

The Committee unanimously decided and directed Chairman, NEPRA to amicably resolve the issue with the owners of small industries and submit a report in this regard.

While discussing restoration of services of SDOs and ROs of PESCO referred to the Committee by the Chairman Senate, the Committee was informed that the matter was being investigated by FIA and NAB adding that it could not be discussed at this forum.

The Committee stressed the need for submission of details of departmental action in this regard.

Taking up the matter of AEDB and PPIB merger, the Power Division showed enthusiasm and supported the measure greatly. Regarding illegal reappointment of CEO QESCO, the Committee was informed that a final decision in this regard was awaited and case was fixed before the court on February 28. The decision would be shared with the committee.

The meeting was attended by Senators Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee, Zeeshan Khanzada, Syed Shibli Faraz, Bahramand Khan Tangi, Fida Muhammad and senior officers of the Ministry of Power and NEPRA.