HEC announces under-graduate scholarships for students of Balochistan/erstwhile FATA

ISLAMABAD, Nov 21 (APP): Higher Education Commission (HEC) has announced Undergraduate Scholarships for students of Balochistan and erstwhile FATA and invited applications from outstanding students who intend to pursue undergraduate studies in HEC-recognized Public/Private sector Universities/Degree Awarding Institutions of Pakistan.

According to the official sources from HEC, the scholarships are being offered for the academic year 2023-24 in all areas of studies/disciplines under the project entitled “Provision of Higher Education Opportunities for Students of Balochistan & Erstwhile FATA(Phase-III), Batch-II.

As per eligible criteria, the candidate’s age must be less than or equal to 22 years on the closing date of advertisement for the Scholarship Programme.

The candidate must have his / her own and father’s valid domicile or local certificate of Balochistan / erstwhile FATA duly signed by district administration.

The candidate must have completed 12 years of education with at least 60% marks in FA / F.Sc. / I.COM / ICS / DAE and equivalent for the scholarship programme.

The candidates already availing of any other HEC / Government scholarship are not eligible to apply. They must have acquired the requisite academic qualifications on or before the closing date of the advertisement. However, the students awaiting results are not eligible to apply.

It is worth mentioning here that scholarships will be awarded on a Merit and District Quota basis. Applicants will be short-listed based on Aptitude Test scores (conducted by HEC) and Academic Credentials. Applicants must secure at least 50% marks in the Aptitude test. The scholarship and reserve seats distribution ratio for the applicants of Balochistan & Erstwhile FATA is 50:50. Placements on reserved seats will be on open merit within the selected scholars only. PM&DC eligibility criteria, rules and regulations will be applicable.

The students already enrolled in Medical / Dental Colleges and Engineering Programmes will not be considered against the reserved seats, but shall be considered for offer of scholarships, if on merit.

Similarly, the students already enrolled in any Bachelor’s programme may also apply.

Please make sure to visit http://hec.gov.pk/site/bf3 for further details and IN/OUT category explanation before filling up the application form.

All applicants MUST apply using their own CNIC / Juvenile Card issued by NADRA. Applications received with any other CNIC may lead to application rejection. If any applicant is under 18, he/she must apply using a NADRA-verified Juvenile Card.

To participate in the test, all applicants MUST present their own CNIC or Juvenile Card in original. No alternative identification will be accepted.

The applications must be submitted online through the HEC website: http://hec.gov.pk/site/bf3. Hard copies of applications and any other documents are not required at this stage.

A test fee of Rs. 500/- is to be deposited via 1Link 1Bill invoice to participating Banks / ATM / Internet Banking / Mobile Banking / Easypaisa / JazzCash / Upaisa.

The applicant must apply after completing the application form online. Saved or incomplete applications will not be considered in any respect. HEC reserves the right to postpone or cancel the scholarship process at any stage without assigning any reason.

As per HEC, the application deadline is November 20, 2023, however, the test date for undergraduate scholarships (Batch-II) – (Tentative) is December 3, 2023.

HEC advised the students to check their emails & HEC website regularly for any updates and are required to apply well before the closing date to get assistance in case of any inconvenience. It is the responsibility of candidates to get their queries/complaints resolved before the closure of the web registration portal.